LEV Testing

LEV testing must be carried out by any employer who uses local exhaust ventilation (LEV) for dust and fume extraction.

This equipment controls substances hazardous to a person's health. There is a legal requirement to examine and test this equipment in order to comply with Regulation 9 of the COSHH Regulations.

The employer must ensure that LEV equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in proper working order and in good repair.

LEV testing should be carried out at least once every 14 months and in some industries far more frequently.

Here at Extractly, not only do we offer LEV testing, we also offer comprehensive installation, maintenance and servicing for a range of dust extraction equipment.


Industry standard for LEV testing.
The HSE recommends only using companies that hold BOHS P601.
All Extractly LEV testing engineers hold P601 as a minimum.

COSHH Regulations

Having your LEV system tested
at regular intervals will ensure
you comply with all relevant
COSHH regulations.

Health & Safety executive

The HSE enforces COSHH regulations, to ensure employers have their LEV systems tested by competent engineers 

It is also the duty of the employer to keep a suitable record of the LEV testing examination for a period of at least 5 years.
This record should also include details of repairs carried out as a result of the examination and test.

Following every LEV Test, Extractly will provide a comprehensive report, produced for each LEV system,
in accordance with the current HSE Guide to Local Exhaust Ventilation (HSG258).

To stay compliant, please complete the form below to send a request for your next LEV Testing with Extractly



LEV stands for local exhaust ventilation. It is a system that is used in various workplaces to protect workers from hazardous substances.


Lev testing is a mandatory test to ensure systems are running safely and effectively. They test to make sure ventilation systems are removing dust and hazardous particles from the air.

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) state that thorough testing should be carried out to ensure control measures are effective.


As an employer you are responsible for maintaining LEV systems that are used in your workplace. A thorough examination of the system should be carried out every 14 months as a minimum.

By LEV testing often you will be able to identify if any part of the system has failed such as the hood. Without thorough testing you risk the health and safety of your workers.


During a LEV test, the examiner will inspect and evaluate the LEV system by:

- Visual examination and component testing: This includes checking the filters and ducting to ensure they are working correctly and to standard.
Particle count test: Particles that have been captured by the LEV system are tested to check how effective the system is working.
- Reports: After the test a report will be written out outlining what was tested and found during the test.

As well as this, the report will include advice and recommendations if your LEV system needs improving. It is important to note that as an employer you are required to keep the report for a minimum of 5 years.

Get in touch today

For more information call us today on 01924 520 462 or email us at info@extractly.co.uk

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